I am a simple Hobbyist.I love Electronics and Robotics.
Buddy - the Companion Bot
2.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Button Freak: DIY ESP32 Game Console Make Yours Now
1.4K Views, 16 Favorites
Smart Home Using Unihiker and NodeMcu
9.9K Views, 59 Favorites
Robotic Expressions Using Oled Display and ESP32
3.3K Views, 21 Favorites
Pulling Prank Using Arduino Based Remote Control
5.9K Views, 10 Favorites
Making Home Smart With This New Single Board Computer VisionFive
3.7K Views, 9 Favorites
How to Use I2C LCD With VIsionFive Using Python
1.6K Views, 3 Favorites
Controlling Led Connected to GPIO Pin Via Bluetooth of VisionFive
2.1K Views, 3 Favorites
Interfacing Push Button With VisionFive
1.0K Views, 1 Favorites
DIY Robotic Arm Using 28byj-48 Stepper Motors and Arduino-Upcycled Material-Affordable
10K Views, 6 Favorites
Logic Gates Their Simulation, Explanation and Circuits in TinkerCad Using Bc547 Transistor
7.9K Views, 8 Favorites
Using Multiple Shift Registers for Multiple 7 SEGMENT Display With Arduino
4.4K Views, 8 Favorites
Arduino Uno As Rubber Ducky Aka Bad USB or HID Device
1.3K Views, 2 Favorites
Interfacing TM1637 Display Module With Arduino
1.8K Views, 2 Favorites
Making USB Hub From Old Keyboard 🔰♻
3.5K Views, 22 Favorites
Generating Different Sounds From Movies Using Only Arduino
2.7K Views, 4 Favorites
Truth & Dare Game With Arduino & Cardboard
755 Views, 0 Favorites
Airplane Warfare Game in MBlock
4.7K Views, 6 Favorites
Arduino Firmware Reset - Arduino Error Code Not Uploading
2.9K Views, 6 Favorites
Arduino Music Reactive Leds
551 Views, 3 Favorites